Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Get Ahead of the Risk Curve

Capital investment will be limited this year due to the continuing financial crisis.  However, there is one area that will see increases as a result of the crisis - risk management.  To get ahead of the risk curve, financial services companies as well as non-financial companies will need to invest more in technology and people. Here is what one analyst had to say recently.
Dana Wiklund, a research director in the risk management practice at Financial Insights, a unit of International Data Group Inc., said banks are willing to spend in a few key areas, including this kind of risk analysis.  "Risk is an area of investment this year," he said. "This is an area where, if banks haven't done their homework up till now, this is going to be a priority for them."  Shareholders, boards and examiners are asking tough questions about how executives are analyzing risk and how they are implementing the necessary fixes, he added. "They have to make the investment."

Is your company prepared to make the necessary investments in order to get ahead of the risk curve?  If so, then contact Wheelhouse Advisors to learn how you can implement the necessary enhancements in the most efficient and cost-effective way.  


1 comment:

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