- Cost and Funding Management: IT organizations will increasingly be forced to develop cost profiles, including the business value of solutions, to support investment decisions. This will not be an easy or pleasant task, and has been a requirement that has dogged IT organizations for years.
- Sourcing and Platform Strategies: As new options become available to achieve an IT or business objective, IT organizations will have more room to experiment, innovate, and change, but will also have to justify their choices more conclusively.
- Equipment Leasing and Software Financing: Commercial organizations will return to IT leasing and financing as a means of bolstering their access to IT resources.
- Life Cycle Management: IT organizations have already extended the planned deployment of many major systems, but they still need to develop the tools and management processes to quantify the underlying cost implications of these longer asset lifecycle models.
- IT Financial Management Tools: As IT platforms and business processes increasingly move toward a mix of in-house and third-party provision, the need for IT financial management software, tools, and best practices to better enable IT organization operational decision-making will become apparent.
Does your IT organization have the necessary tools and supporting business practices to operate in this new environment? If not, Wheelhouse Advisors can help. Visit www.WheelhouseAdvisors.com to learn more.
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