Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Breeding Ground for Risk Topics

Board members of public companies are accustomed to passing along any risk related issues to the Audit Committee and/or Risk Committee. However, many of these directors are discovering risk related issues are not necessarily the specific purview of those groups. One committee in particular is becoming a breeding ground for risk topics - the Compensation Committee. With incentive programs entering the spotlight through greater disclosure about their impact on risk taking and heightened investor scrutiny, a new set of board directors need to be concerned with risk management. Here is what a leading expert had to say recently about the change.
Finally, an important means for compensation committees to address the risks that they now face is to ensure that they and the compensation-setting process are fully integrated into the overall risk-oversight activities of the board and the company. The financial crisis and its legislative and regulatory aftermath have focused considerable attention on the relationship between incentives in compensation programs and the risks that arise for companies, and as a result the compensation committee has become a crucial component of the risk-oversight process. The compensation committee’s attention to risks—through a periodic evaluation of the compensation program and how pay elements could create risks—has now become a regular part of the analytical framework.

How is your Compensation Committee addressing risk? Having the ability to articulate the linkage between incentive programs and a company's risk appetite is critical to proactively addressing investor concerns.  If you or someone else in your company is interested in learning more about bridging this gap, contact us at

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