Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cloud Security Concerns Are Diminishing

As software vendors look for ways to improve their product offerings, many are venturing into the cloud. However, for the most of the last decade as cloud computing (also known as Software as a Service or "SaaS") has evolved, some companies would not even consider the notion of using these products due to fears about data security. Now that the major cloud providers have refined their technological infrastructures, that fear is unwarranted. In this month's issue of Treasury & Risk Magazine, more evidence is provided to support the integrity of cloud-based software products. Here's an excerpt:
As cloud vendors mature, Web-based delivery of applications, storage and infrastructure is getting more secure and trustworthy. That doesn’t mean that the risks are gone—they’ve just migrated to a more difficult-to-manage form. Today, big-name cloud providers like offer top-notch security, auditability and compliance. Even Google provides a compliant e-mail hosting solution for regulated industries such as healthcare and finance.

In fact, clouds can offer a security advantage over traditional software, since cloud providers specialize in making their application as secure as possible, spreading the costs of that effort among many customers. On their own, companies might not be able to afford the same level of security.

Coupled with the benefits of little or no maintenance as well as the minimal initial investment, the fact that cloud-based software is highly secure makes the business case for moving to the cloud a no-brainer for businesses looking for efficient and effective software solutions.

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