Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Are You Prepared to Ride the Wave?

Is your company prepared for the coming wave of regulation?  How flexible and cost-effective is your company's enterprise risk management program?  Answers to these questions may make or break companies as they struggle to emerge from the financial crisis.  A recent article in Treasury & Risk Magazine reinforces the risk management challenge.
With lip service paid to risk management but no real clout singled out as one of the culprits in the financial crisis, many companies in 2009 aim to make risk management a daily function of good governance. And since a new Congress and president both promise increased regulation, companies should expect to deal with risk management on Washington’s terms.  The chief risk officer’s (CRO) job will evolve from what was mainly a focus on regulatory compliance to include across-the-the board oversight of everything from Sarbanes-Oxley to credit risk to business continuity.

Wheelhouse Advisors is uniquely equipped to help companies build flexible, cost-effective and sustainable enterprise risk management programs.   Contact us at NavigateSuccessfully@WheelhouseAdvisors.com to learn how we can help you


1 comment:

  1. I recently featured Taleb speaking out in frustration against the economic and banking establishment, also joined by his mentor: Benoit Mandelbrot. They blame the present belief in naive risk models for failing to anticipate the coming crisis.

    Their statements about rapid crashes have striking correspondence with Jared Diamond's observations about societal collapse.
