Monday, February 1, 2010

A Return to Boring?

In The New York Times this week, Paul Krugman offers his views on the state of the U.S. financial services industry with an interesting comparison to our neighbors to the north.  Here's an excerpt from his op-ed.
Canada’s experience seems to support those who say that the way to keep banking safe is to keep it boring — that is, to limit the extent to which banks can take on risk. The United States used to have a boring banking system, but Reagan-era deregulation made things dangerously interesting. Canada, by contrast, has maintained a happy tedium.

More specifically, Canada has been much stricter about limiting banks’ leverage, the extent to which they can rely on borrowed funds. It has also limited the process of securitization, in which banks package and resell claims on their loans outstanding — a process that was supposed to help banks reduce their risk by spreading it, but has turned out in practice to be a way for banks to make ever-bigger wagers with other people’s money.

There’s no question that in recent years these restrictions meant fewer opportunities for bankers to come up with clever ideas than would have been available if Canada had emulated America’s deregulatory zeal. But that, it turns out, was all to the good.

Mr. Krugman makes a good case for banks to get back to their roots.  However, in the U.S., it may be like trying to close the barn door after the horse is long gone.

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